Friday 16 April 2010

Shelf Life - The Old Library Swansea 6-25 Apr 10

With new films out like Avatar revolutionising the way we enjoy films what about the other areas of enjoyment? What about plays? Well, that's what happened when I got to see the new play by the National Theatre of Wales / Volcano Theatre Company / Welsh National Opera. It's called "Shelf Life" and it's running at "The Old Library" in Swansea, Wales, U.K. from the 6th of April till the 25th 2010.

What's the play about? Books or rather the spirit of books. The fun factor of this play is not what it's about but more about how it's shown. This show reminds me of a Disney ride with the audience being guided along a giant film set. In fact film sets are not as big as this!

Avatar, being in 3D, has changed the way I look at 2D films. Now, I want every film in 3D. The same is true of this play, I now want every play to follow this format. You get to interact with the props and view the audience from the actor's viewpoint. One minute you're out in a set that reminds me of Coronation Street, the next you're in dark passageways or walking along a winding balcony of a real old library. Everyone who sees this film will remember it due to it being unique.

There are aerialists that fly from the walls, whilst a choir performs around you from all angles. Taxi drivers stop and ask the crew, "What's going on in there?" Another crew member walking along with props in his hand was asked, "What that all about?" If you look at this show you get to see the true meaning of a "unique selling point".

So, whilst the weather is hot, why not take a loved one out for a trip to a show they'll remember for the rest of their lives.

6-25 April 2010

Box Office : 01792 60 20 60

For the trailer check out :-

For a brief view of the rehearsal check out the following areas :-

